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 Makes the skin Fair and Bright. Shake well before use.Skin feeling soft and smooth for a brilliant beauty experience. No artificial colour or fragrance

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Available: Out of Stock
Size: - 200 ML


 Active Ingredients: Saffron Oil, Orange Oil, Lemon Oil and Lavender Oil. Indication: This contains no preservative, no artificial colour and synthetic chemicals. Ideal for removing dead and Dry Skin Cells, Dryness of the Skin, Itchiness, makes the skin Fair and Bright, also helps to improve skin disorders and Wrinkles, ideal for body massage oil. Ideal body massage oil for babies. Directions for use: Shake well before use. This very important substance retains water in our skin tissues and keeps it hydrated and moist. While keeping the skin hydrated, higher HA level reduces skin inflammation and redness. Oil has cell regeneration properties, and is highly effective in harsh weather conditions combating dehydration.

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